The exhibition reflects six centuries of history, from the 13th to the 18th centuries, from the Liv village of Līva to Libau (Liepāja), an important port and trading city of the Duchy of Courland, which was incorporated into the Russian Empire in 1795 along with the whole of Courland. Liepāja was a city of merchants and artisans. The traditions of craftsmanship are reflected in the skilfully crafted chests, in the goldsmiths' guild cups, pokals, and pendants, and in the building details of the townhouses. In the exposition, you can see a unique document ‒ the city rights of Liepāja, signed by Duke Friedrich on March 18, 1625. The interior of the City Council room with the work accessories and the ballot box also dates back to the 17th/18th century. Coins, which were minted and in free circulation in Livonia and the Duchy of Courland, can also be seen in the exposition. Here, while viewing the works of art, you have an opportunity to come face-to-face with Gotthard Kettler, Duke of Courland, and his descendants in the Kettler dynasty, as well as with the representatives of the Biron dynasty.

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Liepāja Museum
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